Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Restore, Work, Give, Serve

Galatians 6:1-10 Hit us pretty good didn't it? Fun to consider how the Fruit of the Spirit is produced in the life of the Christian (Gal 5:22) but tough to know that this same work of the Spirit produces a heart to restore difficult people back to Jesus, to work in your ministry/vocation for God's glory and not to please people, to be generous to the Bible preacher (sowing and reaping our finances towards good/unvarnished Bible preaching) and to do good to all even when it is inconvenient and uncomfortable. What specifically were you convicted of and need to work on?

Friday, January 14, 2011


It was another day in church planting land and one church planter said to another, "Why is this so hard?". Older, wiser pastor says, "You are in the 'theatron' of God." The "theatron" of God. What a great phrase! God casts his children into the theatre as a public spectacle to bring him glory. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes not so much...but He is worthy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Social Justice???...How About Plain 'Justice'?

Social Justice?...How about plain old "Justice".

There is a ton of debate in our culture and the Church about "social justice", what it is and how it is to be implemented. Part of the problem in North America and in European cultures currently is we use words with our personal meanings injected into them instead of using the true meanings of these words. It is very difficult to know what people are even talking about because their definition of the word(s) is different than other's definition of those same words. Some define social justice as doing good to others and most see social justice as the government doing "good things" for its citizens. When I hear the term it is so loaded that as a pastor I just say, "Let's just talk about plain old justice...biblical style".

Justice is a concept that God invented and defines in His Word...the Bible. We don't get to define its terms and definitions and throw them around at our wine and cheese parties as talking points. God defines justice and commands HIS FOLLOWERS (YOU and not the proverbial OTHER) to pray for and act on justice.

Some examples...

1) Financial Justice...The core of financial justice starts with people working hard as unto the Lord to make a living for their families and even enough to share with those who have EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES which prevent them from being able to meet their basic needs (food and shelter). Biblical financial justice also says everybody who is able bodied SHOULD WORK and provide for themselves and their families. Justice, then, is not enabling those who can work to not work. In addition, the church, not the government, is responsible to take care of the needs of those in their midst that cannot provide for themselves (widows, orphans, and the sick).

Those who have been blessed by God with great wealth (ie...most Americans compared to the rest of the world's standards) have been given their wealth by God to use for God's purposes not for the enhancment of their own kingdom. Simply put, financial justice for the wealthy (again...most Americans)is to use their wealth for the advancement of God's Kingdom. This includes charity, job creation, good management of employees, ethical investment and influence with their wealth, etc...

We rely on the government too much to care for the legitimate needs of the poor because Christians do not take seriously their responsibility to care for the true weak and poor among us.

Regardless, it is not financially just to steal money from others no matter what you call it or no matter how noble the purpose you have to steal said money...theft is theft. Those who steal have a greater authority to answer to and our judgment in what we do with biblical financial justice is coming "and that right soon".

More on Justice Later...

Re-Launch Service this Sunday at Swallow Hill

We had our preview service this past week at Swallow Hill. It was a great day and we got some of the kinks worked out in anticipation of this Sunday's Re-Launch Service. We would love to see you there this Sunday and we would love even more to have you follow Jesus with all your heart, soul, strength and mind every day. Come hear the gospel this Sunday it is good for believers and unbelievers alike!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Swallow Hill this Week

So we are moving from the Regal Continental Stadium 10 theatre to Swallow Hill Music Association this Sunday for our Sunday worship gatherings. It is not a building that makes a church but we are grateful for our new digs. We had a good time at the theatre and are appreciative of what God did there. Now we are ready for our new Sunday home!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Prayer in the 21st Century

"Your relationship with your heavenly Father is dysfunctional. You talk as if you have an intimate relationship, but you don't. Theoretically, it is close. Practically, it is distant. You need help." A Praying Life, Paul E. Miller

Your prayer life will stink if you only know about your Father instead of actually knowing your Father.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The New City Story-Part 1

The story of New City actually started in a church office cubicle in 2000. I was a lowly intern at a church in suburban Denver and found myself paging through a book on church planting one afternoon. Church planting was a concept I had never heard of before even though I had spent my life in church circles. But this book opened my heart and mind to what God was doing across the world through church planting efforts in many denominations and church planting organizations. Not only was I intrigued but I was hooked and knew then what God wanted me to do for the rest of my life. I saw with clarity that God wanted to use church planting efforts to fulfill His Great Commission worldwide.